Call of Duty League™ Landing Site

Welcome to the Call of Duty League Landing Site, linking all blog-related announcements, news, and tips. Watch on YouTube, check the schedule, and more:

Call of Duty League™ Landing Site

Welcome to the Call of Duty League Landing Site, linking all blog-related announcements, news, and tips. Watch on YouTube, check the schedule, and more:

If you’re looking for the latest information on the Call of Duty League including announcementsteam profiles, tips, and more, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll down and click on the article of your choice to learn more about the League. 

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For more information and the latest intel on Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®, check out: and follow @InfinityWard and @CallofDuty on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook.

For more information on Activision games, follow @Activision on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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