Call of Duty Infographic: Over 300 Billion Grenades Thrown

In celebration of the Call of Duty Championship, check out some awesome stats from the franchise’s history.

Call of Duty Infographic: Over 300 Billion Grenades Thrown

In celebration of the Call of Duty Championship, check out some awesome stats from the franchise’s history.

When Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare launched in November, we revealed that in the first two weeks alone, players had boost jumped more than 16.1 billion times for a combined distance great enough to make more than 230 trips to the Moon. But in celebration of the Call of Duty Championship, presented by Xbox this weekend, we thought we’d pull more stats from the franchise’s history and what we found was pretty incredible. For instance, since the franchise’s inception more than 10 years ago, over 175 million copies of Call of Duty have been sold across all platforms—approximately one copy sold every two seconds. What about the more than 300 billion in-game grenades thrown since 2010? Well, that’s roughly 44 times the number of cell phones in the world. Check out more stats by clicking on the infographic below:


Click to see the full infographic

Be sure to watch live this weekend as the top 32 teams from around the world compete in the Call of Duty Championship, presented by Xbox. For all the latest on Call of Duty, Destiny, Skylanders, and more stay tuned to the Activision Games Blog and follow @Activision on Twitter.

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